I first became interested in photography while watching my father in his darkroom. I am primarily self taught, but did attend a basic photography course at Bournemouth College of Art.
Working predominantly in the landscape using large format film equipment, I produce monochrome prints using traditional developing and printing darkroom techniques. The quality of light encountered during my wanderings plays a significant part in the quality of the end result – the fine print.
The work of the great American photographer and environmentalist Ansel Adams has been a major influence in helping me to appreciate of the power of the monochrome image. The works of John Blakemore, John Sexton and more recently Paul Gallagher have also been influential in my image making.
I am a member of the Royal Photographic Society and an accredited Western Counties Photographic Federation judge. Being a member of the Dorset Independent Photographers allows me to both exhibit my work and benefit from the constructive critique of like minded photographers.

